#5 Storage: Lessons I’ve Learned from Makerspaces on Building Successful, Creative Communities

Janos Stone
2 min readMar 23, 2020

Confidence with physical & digital equipment & infrastructure

You will need more space for project storage and consumables warehousing than you think. Don’t fill everything up with equipment or co-working space. Approximately 20% of the overall square footage of your makerspace should be dedicated to flexible and consumables storage. Assume that each shop (room with equipment) will require 2–5% of the overall 20%, depending on use and consumables (e.g., Woodshop: large materials and projets 5%. Additive manufacturing: small materials and projects 2%)

Semi-transparent lockable bins are the way to go if your makerspace has a large co-working and/or prototyping environment. Providing bins to your stakeholders on adjustable shelves is a smart way to protect and store their small projects. To allow the use and reuse of the bins, apply a whiteboard sticker to one end with an area for start/end date and email info. This way, stakeholders can “reserve” a bin by writing in their information.

Keeping projects and materials organized and easily storable reduces clutter and risk of injury while creating a more presentable, professional makerspace.



Janos Stone

I love to (help people) make things. I work with a range of institutions to build inclusive, safe makerspaces that generate value. themakerspaceprogram.com